Race Review
These are my thoughts on the race…
This past Sunday the family got up bright and early and headed on out to our first Centrum Kids Like2Bike with Futurelife event.
The event is targeted at 2-14 year olds, hosted specifically for kids in this age group and not part of an adult or bigger event. This is, in my opinion, what makes this event so awesome. The event gets the kids to have fun on their bikes with mom or dad or both playing support.
The idea behind these events is to teach the kids things like rider etiquette like passing right and keeping to the left when on the trails, and if you decide to get off your bike and walk some, keep left but most of all to have fun out on the trail among other lessons.
Distance: 2km for 2-3 year olds, 5km for 4-6 year olds, 10km for 7-14 year olds
Weather: It was a beautiful warm day. Just the right amount of coolness and warmth.
Parking: Plenty of parking space and within walking distance of the start of the race.
Venue: Cradle Moon Conservancy
Organisation: The email we received the Friday before the race was extremely informative with detailed information about the morning. On the day the organisers managed to get the buck in the Conservancy to welcome all the participants as they entered the venue. There was plenty of secure parking within walking distance of the registration and start of the race. Registration and late entries were between 8 am and 9 am. Each group went off on time. The routes providing just the right amount of workout for both the kids riding and the parents either running next to or behind them or those cycling .. the other kids.
Medals: The medal is a beautiful hand beaded work of a smiley face. Totally different and so appropriate.
Overall: An awesome fun filled morning for the whole family outdoors. We got to experience wild life extremely close. Each child participant received a medal when they finished. We registered online before race day so our son scored an awesome goodie bag too, great for school lunches. If your child participates in at least 3 of the 6 Like2Bike events, they get a “Series Champion” t-shirt!
I’ve since learnt that if your child participates in at least 3 out of the 6 Like2Bike events, they get a “Series Champion” t-shirt!
This was our first time participating in the series and overall an awesome experience for the whole family worth repeating 🙂
NEXT EVENT DATES: 10th September at Avianto and 5th November at The Big Red Barn
Sounds like an awesome event!!
It totally was! J had an awesome morning. Kai with his new bike would love it I’m convinced. Do you have something similar there?