NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES – be a hero and wear your slippers

Jonathan Boynton-Lee and Emanuel
This morning we had the priviledge of attending the media launch of #SlipperDay2018 at the one of Jozi’s favourite hangout Fire & Ice Hotel at Melrose Arch. A stunning buzz this morning as the media/bloggers alike mingled with some of this years Reach For A Dream Slipper Ambassadors like Jonathan Boynton-Lee and Sashi Naidoo, along with the MC for the day, THE Aki Anastasiou!
The morning was opened by the chairman of Reach For A Dream Mr. Mervyn Serebro, who shared the reason for the NPO’s existence and the impact they have on so many of kids with life-threatening illnesses and who’s dreams they work tirelessly to fulfill as far as possible. He was followed by an emotional Jonathan Boynton-Lee shared about the impact his superhero Lesego had on him about 3 years ago. Let’s say that by the time they were done, not a dry eye to be found in the room. I even caught Aki wiping tears away.
The Reach For A Dream Slipper Day is an amazing initiative with a HUGE impact.
If you’ve never participated, or perhaps you have, here’s how you can support this year’s #SlipperDay2018 ambassadors in raising more funds to fulfill and exceed the 45,000 lives that they touched in 2017!
The 2018 Slipper Day Campaign Ambassadors are:
Amanda Du Pont DJ Fresh
Jesse Kriel Jonathan Boynton-Lee
Juliana Vermeiren Kevin Lerena
Poppy Ntshongwana Shashi Naidoo
To take part in Slipper Day all you need is a R10 wristband to wear your favourite slippers all day!
Make the dreams of life-threatened children come true when you purchase your R10 wristband from any Pick n Pay, Wimpy or Reach For A Dream branch.

Kanitha and Emanuel
Wearing your R10 wristband and slippers will also get you a free coffee from Wimpy on the day.
Reach For A Dream makes dreams come true for children between the ages of 3 and 18 who are living with life-threatening illnesses.
“By fulfilling their dreams, Reach For A Dream brings hope, joy and inspiration by offering a magical moment to regain a childhood lost to illness” – Julia Sotirianakos, CEO, Reach Fro A Dream
In 30 years, the Reach For A Dream Foundation has brought hope to over 60 000 life-threatened children across South Africa.
“Hope gives us the courage to confront our circumstances and the capacity to surmount them.” – Dr Groopman, author of The Anatomy of Hope and Professor at Harvard Medical School.
This amazing organization believes in the power of dreams and encourages children to use their dreams to believe tomorrow is worth fighting for. The seek, as far as possible, to make all dreams come true. Their donors, sponsors, and friends make this happen.
Be part of the movement for hope and get your workplace or school involved on:
11th May 2018
R10 per wristband
From any Pick n Pay, Wimpy or Reach For A Dream branch
Free coffee from Wimpy on 11 May 2018
Free delivery for orders of 100 or more
Check out their website and social media pages for fantastic slipper sales or contact them on 083 385 9633 or info@reachforadream.org.za