The region I grew up in, in Mozambique is called Zambezia and is known for their grilled chicken. Full of flavour, it’s called Galinha/Frango À Zambeziana, served with coconut rice, a side of fried chips, lettuce salad and tomato chutney. It has been a while since I had some, so made some for Sunday late lunch.
Bom Apetite!
Galinha À Zambeziana
- 1 Whole Chicken
- 1 Cup Lemon Juice
- 2 tsp Garlic (Crushed)
- 1 tsp Fresh / Dried Red Chillie
- 2 tsp Salt
- 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
- ½ Tin Coconut Milk
- 1 Cup Rice
- 1 Cup Water
- ½ Tin Coconut Milk
Combine lemon juice, coconut milk, garlic, chillies and salt in a large dish
Add the chicken to the marinade and make sure the whole chicken is well covered with the lemon and coconut sauce
Set the chicken aside 2 hours at room temperature, turning it over every 30 minutes and basting.
Place chicken on the braai and baste it.
Turn the chicken every 10 minutes and add more basting. Chicken is ready when you pierce it and clear juice trickles out. If it's still pink, chicken isn't ready.
Create a sauce from the leftover coconut and lemon marinade by thickening it on the stove and serve with the coconut rice
Wash the rice in cold water
Add rice, Coconut Milk, Water to a pot and bring to boil on med-high heat
Stir occasionally
Reduce the heat to low and cover the pot
Allow to simmer until all the liquid has reduced completely
Remove from heat, use a fork to puff up the rice and let the rice stand covered for 15 minutes